Cases and resources in vascular techniques
This section provides a selection of cases and resources provided by experts in vascular techniques.
Evaluate the relevance of ESVS 2020 recommendations for acute limb ischemia, explore the evolving role of thromboaspiration in this context, and consider the cost-effectiveness of the procedure in this PVI 2023 session.
Learn from challenging cases in descending thoracic aorta and dissections, including frozen elephant trunk completion, TEVAR in connective tissue disorders, trends in ATBD management, and treatment approaches for non-A non-B dissection, with tributes to Prof Roger M. Greenhalgh.
Discover answers to key questions in this PVI 2023 session, addressing contraindications for AVF creation, the suitability of AVF for all patients, underuse of peritoneal dialysis, considerations for endoAVF devices, and the optimal strategy for HAIDI cases.
Find out more about pulmonary embolism risk stratification, patient selection for advanced therapy, and AI-driven contemporary management, and join the debate on lytics vs mechanical thrombectomy, and explore the role of pulmonary embolism response teams.
Explore the controversies surrounding common femoral artery (CFA) interventions in PVI 2023, covering endovascular treatments, non-operable patient scenarios, common femoral endarterectomy, and scaffolding for CFA bifurcation.
In this PVI 2023 session featuring three cases, learn more about asymptomatic patients treated transradially and symptomatic patients treated transfemorally, along with the latest CAS data, cerebral protection insights, and optimal access choices.
Watch this video to discover the importance of vessel preparation, understand the significance of sizing the femoropopliteal segment, and determine whether intravascular imaging is a necessity or a hype.
Gain insights into the innovative and evolving field of arteriovenous fistula (AVF) procedures, whether you're a seasoned practitioner or new to the domain, through this informative video.
What are the best strategies for managing patients with Hemodialysis Access-Induced Distal Ischemia (HAIDI)? Tune in to a discussion featuring Nelly della Schiava and Alexandros Mallios as they delve into the current and future options during the PVI 2023 Course.
Enhance your skills with expert insights from cases of ultrasound-guided saphenous ablation, single-session treatment for acute deep vein thrombosis, chronic venous obstruction management, and endovascular intervention for acute pulmonary embolism.