Cases and resources in vascular techniques

This section provides a selection of cases and resources provided by experts in vascular techniques.

Dr. Peter Schneider and Dr. Alexandre Oliny, from the #pvi Social Media Team, discuss the evolving landscape of carotid artery surgery and stenting.

Alexandre Oliny, Peter Schneider

In this interview, vascular surgeons Tommaso Castrucci and Gabriel Ifergan dive into the advancements in CAS, discussing new stents, stroke prevention techniques, and how these technologies are shaping the future.

Tommaso Castrucci, Gabriel Ifergan

A 72-year-old male patient with a history of aorto bi-iliac prosthesis for bilateral iliac occlusion presented with an occlusion of the surgical prosthesis...

Ozan Yazar, Pieter B. Salemans, Ine Rochus, Lee Bouwman

Imagine treating a 68-year-old woman with visceral ischemia, complicated by CHF, HTN, obesity, and dyslipidemia...

Giovanni B. Torsello, Florian Elger, Giovanni F. Torsello

In this interview with Fabrizio Fanelli by Alexandre Oliny, discover how recent American guidelines and upcoming European guidelines on peripheral arterial disease can greatly aid practitioners.

Fabrizio Fanelli, Alexandre Oliny

In this insightful interview, Diego Chiriboga engages with Eric Secemsky, from the "Peripheral Artery Disease" scientific committee, to explore the latest advancements in the field.

Diego Fernando Ruiz Chiriboga, Eric Secemsky

Analyze the video sequences of this 78-year-old woman with a 6.1 cm pseudoaneurysm from a descending thoracic aorta anterior to an infra-abdominal aortic bypass.

Andres Schanzer

Jean Sénémaud, from the PVI 2024 Social Media Team, interviews Sabine Steiner, a member of PVI's "Peripheral Artery Disease" (PAD) scientific committee, about the latest developments in PAD treatment.

Jean Sénémaud , Sabine Steiner

Endovascular repair of post-dissection thoraco-abdominal aortic aneurysms is often challenged by significant compression of the true lumen at the paravisceral segment...

Michele Piazza, Francesco Squizzato, Marco James Bilato

Watch this case to assess the most appropriate treatment, taking into account the presentation of two acute arterial pathologies at the same time: ischemia of both legs and symptomatic aortic aneurysm with distal embolization.

Diego Fernando Ruiz Chiriboga